Wedding Videography Services

You want video, but, you don’t want 10 extra cameras pointed at you, or several more people trailing around after you. And, you definitely don’t want to have to hear your own voice stumbling nervously over your vows or speech.

iPhone wedding videos are for you if you want something that probably won’t win any film awards, but, is going to tell the story of your wedding, the laughs, tears and dancemoves, without turning your day into a big production.

What it isn't:
  • A big production with 10 extra cameras, tripods and mics in your face

  • The same as a videographer – like I said, there’s not a ton of kit going on, so, don’t expect crystal clear audio or slow mo pans

  • Cheesy, awkward and “stare into each others eyes for ten minutes” weirdness

woman holding white and pink rose flower bouquet
woman holding white and pink rose flower bouquet
What it is:
  • A lo-fi, unobtrusive way to record all the best bits and the feeling of the day

  • Recorded on my iPhone…but…better than those inexplicable wonky couple of second clips your cousin will put on Instagram

  • An edited highlight trailer set to music, to get all the good stuff without having to hear your own voice

  • A great alternative if you don’t want to spend the dough on a videographer or have all those extra cameras pointed at you

women standing side-by-side on street during daytime
women standing side-by-side on street during daytime

The Details...

  • iPhone Wedding Videos are $299

  • Usually between 3 – 8 minutes of happy faces

  • If my mic picks up some good audio, it might be included, but, expect an upbeat highlight reel set to music (I promise to find the best royalty-free music that I can hunt down)

  • All the key moments and a whole ton of atmosphere included

  • Delivered through a secure online link.